flat cables Audi

remnants and used units VW
Flexible cable flex ribbon cable Flexboard for Audi RNS-E display
#xs#1429;flat cables#Audi;0681;Flexible cable flex ribbon cable Flexboard for Audi RNS-E display; - Ausführung|Spalte 2|Spalte 3|Spalte 4|Spalte 5 - ex 1|ex 10|ex 100|Preis 4|Preis 5|Preis 6|Preis 7|Preis 8|Preis 9|Preis 10|# - |||| - 19,90|19,90|19,90|0,00|0,00|0,00|0,00|0,00|0,00|0,00|;19;0681.jpg;;;

Ribbon cable_nbsp_for Audi

Ribbon cable for Audi Navi Plus RNS-E display
Only for the units with ending ....192

- 4B0 035 192
- 8E0 035 192
- 8J0 035 192
- 8P0 035 192

It´s a brand new part!


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